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Meeting in Baghdad to contain the differences between the political parties

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Meeting in Baghdad to contain the differences between the political parties

Talabani will meet after the meeting Nujaifi Bnaúbah .. And spoken to Maliki, Sadr and Allawi
BAGHDAD - Al Sabah announced that informed political sources close a meeting in Baghdad will call him President Jalal Talabani to end the differences between the political parties. This comes at a time when political leaders have stepped up bilateral meetings to dampen the atmosphere.
The source believes that the "morning", to hold the meeting within the next two weeks, saying that it was (the meeting), will consider all outstanding issues.
The parliamentary sources have revealed the "morning" last week, the existence of a tendency to hold an expanded meeting of political leaders to reach an agreement to settle the files that are still pending, which confirmed that the results of meetings of President Jalal Talabani, with political leaders, were "positive," she said were addressed during these meetings to the files of the National Council for the strategic policies of Upper and baggage security and reducing its state institutions and the development of services provided to citizens, "he revealed the intention of the President to hold intensive meetings with political leaders in the country to improve the atmosphere and the removal of the recession that hit the political process, indicating that Initiative Talabani containing proposals and solutions related to file cabinet security and the National Council for the strategic policies of Upper and coordination of work between the government and parliament, and the process Limbering in state institutions, indicating that these proposals may reach the country to political stability and thus security and stability and economic development.
In the meantime, he met the President yesterday evening the President of the House of Representatives Osama al.
During the meeting, according to a presidential statement received "for the morning," a copy of it, discuss developments in the political situation in the country from various angles, as highlighted by President Talabani highlighted the meeting on Wednesday evening, with his two deputies and the statement issued after the meeting, stressing the importance of creating a positive atmosphere to create ground ground for a serious dialogue between all political parties.
He explained that he and his deputies are working as one team and stand at the same distance from all the blocks and components, adding, "We are all in one ship we have to get them to safety."
For his part, welcomed the Chairman of the Board of Deputies President Talabani on the success of medical examinations conducted in the United States and return to the homeland.
The Nujaifi during the meeting his support for the full statement, which calls for presidency of the republic to renounce differences and resort to dialogue and negotiations, calling on President Talabani to continue his efforts to open a serious dialogue and building between political parties and the implementation of the agreements.
He also announced that the House will issue a statement in support of the presidential statement to remove the tension and calm the atmosphere, valuing the efforts of President Talabani in a convergence of views between the political blocs.
Talabani was held with his vice presidents Tareq al-Hashemi and Khudair Khuzaie Wednesday evening, a meeting to exchange of opinions about the general situation.
He said a presidential statement, that he was agreed to "work as one team to perform their role in the protection of the Constitution and the implementation of the agreements including the Convention of Arbil and to achieve national reconciliation among the political parties, and a call to all political parties to end the media campaigns and the adoption of a political speech is calm and objective cares Palmstrkat agreed and left differences are all in a comprehensive national dialogue and quiet, in addition to creating a positive atmosphere pave the way for constructive dialogue and frankness fraternal start where they left off negotiations Erbil and its deliberations on the initiative of the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, as well as appeal to everyone to avoid all shipped political climate differences and call for adherence to Palmstrkat and agreements to solve problems in the country. "In context, the President of the House of Representatives on the importance of the role of parliament in strengthening the democratic system and the organization of public life in the country.
This came during his meeting yesterday with the first President of the Supreme Council of Islamic al-Hakim.
The two sides reviewed according to a statement issued by the Office Najafi received a "morning," a copy of, developments in the political process and the developments of the events, stressing the importance of achieving the principle of national partnership and urged the political blocs on the continuation of national dialogue to ensure the stability of the country and the interests of the Iraqi people
It was also emphasized on the need to host the ministers after their programs to determine from which to assess the work of their ministries.
In the meantime, sources said the Office of the martyr al-Sadr in Najaf, the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr held two connections separately with both Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the Iraqi leader Ayad Allawi in an effort to resolve their differences.
The source said in a statement quoted by the agency "Alsumaria News": that "Mr. Sadr held a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister to discuss the general situation in the country," he said, adding that "the two sides discussed the developments in the political landscape in the country and its developments and the need to resolve differences between the politicians."
The source noted that "Mr. Sadr had also telephoned another with the leader of the Iraqi List, discussed through the course of the political process and the developments of the landscape in the country," noting that "Mr. Sadr to discuss with Allawi purify the political atmosphere and resolving the outstanding matters to find a suitable platform for the process of progress and construction in the country. "
The leader of the Sadrist movement declared its readiness, earlier, to mediate between the Iraqi List and a coalition of state law to reach a solution to the obstacles and differences between Alhanpin.
And the existing Iraqi lawmakers walked out of the meeting of the Council of Representatives, on 13 June, in protest against what happened in Tahrir Square on Friday, and to keep the security ministries vacant until now.
And spin differences between a coalition of state law and the Iraqi List, on some of the terms of the Erbil, including the draft Law on the Council strategic policies supreme, and most important of these differences the mechanism to select the President of the Council, as the demands of the Iraqi List to be the mechanism of choice in the House of Representatives, which rejected the National Alliance and the demands that are in within the body that are within the National Council for the strategic policies and the status enjoyed by the person who chairs the Council's powers and whether it would be described as general secretary or president.
The head of Iraq's Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani, in September 2010, an initiative on resolving the political crisis in Iraq include the formation of a committee of between eight and twelve representatives of the political blocs to begin talks to form a new government and work to resolve outstanding differences, and convening meetings of the expanded leaders to resolve the issue of the three presidencies , these issues were resolved last November.

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