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Planning and the Economic Council are considering enabling the private sector

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Planning and the Economic Council are considering enabling the private sector

Friday 19 July 52
Baghdad / Follow-up morning

Minister of Planning Dr. Nouri al-Dulaimi discussed with the Iraqi Economic Council ways to promote the private sector, stressing the government's direction towards supporting and empowering the private sector.

This came during a meeting with Dulaimi, the President of the Council Ibrahim al-Baghdadi, who put forward some visions and ideas related to the subject of the strategy of developing the private sector in Iraq, and the formation of the Council for the development of the private sector during the coming period.

"We are all required to make every effort to change the expelling environment into an attractive investment environment by limiting the dominance of the public sector to the private sector.

We decided that the role of the Ministry of Planning should be the facilitator of the private sector," he said.

Absorption of graduates

The minister pointed to "the problem of the number of university graduates every year, and that the only solution to absorb them is embodied in empowering the private sector."

He pointed out that "any businessman or investor who assimilates and operates the workforce must be cared for,

He stressed that "mechanisms for the development of the private sector is incorrect and we look forward to nurturing and synthesizing, as we have gone a long way in the work, and we hope to correct and develop these mechanisms

"We are still in the first stage.

We have set benchmarks that reduce the chances of failure through major efforts to succeed because it is our only chance to enable the private sector to fulfill its duty to support the national economy and sustainable development."

The Minister stressed the need to "neutralize selfishness and personal interests, to move the wheel of reform and empower the private sector, and to take bold decisions that take into account any interests to be the private sector has an important role in addressing the problems experienced by the sector General".

Proposals of the Economic Council

In addition, Al-Baghdadi presented a working paper containing the Council's proposals, in addition to proposing a new table of approved criteria to be adopted for the selection of the members of the Private Sector Development Council, along with a proposal to add two important sectors to the other sectors agreed upon to choose the representatives of the Council in the sectors of agriculture, industry, tourism, Trade, transport, communications, health, education, housing, finance, banking and construction And construction.

The Chairman of the Economic Council that "the success stories achieved by a number of businessmen, including members of the Iraqi Economic Council and the diversity of their projects in all sectors of the economy, made the Economic Council a solid economic organization distinct efforts effective in the service of the national economy."

Devoting and Sharing Trust

A number of issues were discussed, including the establishment and mutual trust between the public and private sectors through education and mutual cooperation, and enabling the private sector to formulate a clear policy for the role it should play best.

The issue of qualification of graduates to enter the labor market was also discussed through their participation in training courses to prepare them for work in the private sector, as well as studying the possibility of converting some experienced public sector employees to work in the sector The private.

Following these proposals, al-Baghdadi could contain public sector employees who had been granted leave for 4 years from the public sector to work in the private sector, provided that they work after their retirement at the same employer they worked with during the four days Years.

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