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Economists offer proposals to increase development rates

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Economists offer proposals to increase development rates

20/8/2016 12:00 am

During a workshop held in cooperation with the German Foundation

Baghdad – Hussein thghb Al-Tamimi

Explore economists and German Friedrich and the Organization of the development economic policies to achieve social justice in Iraq fair wealth distribution mechanisms, put reform proposals experts promote the economic realities and accelerate the process of development in important sectors that create qualified human wealth to work and sound.

The workshop focused on the mechanics of creating benefits to all segments of society by creating conditions that contribute to the creation of real development and finding treatment recipes to the problems suffered by the Iraqi people, notably unemployment and higher rates of poverty.

Vien Sheikh Ali head of workshop events opened development highlighting the relationship between economic reform and specialized organizations and have been diagnosed with vinegar in the Iraqi economy and put the necessary treatments to all segments of society benefit and thus raising the standard of living of the family.

Work force

Very important topic is addressed for the first time gives a poor living below the poverty line, this was confirmed by Deputy Chief of Baghdad's economic forum name ntawan said: that Iraq is one of the richest countries in the world with its riches, but needs a fair distribution, pointing out the importance of getting the private sector loans that contribute to economic development through small and medium-sized enterprises and microenterprises.

He noted that Iraq has lost a lot of strength work because their direction to adopt immigration ideas, emphasizing the importance of revisiting the law of social security and private sector salaries and retirement Act legislation includes all Iraqis working in the public and private sectors.

Instantaneous Feller Chuck Director Friedrich in Iraq and Jordan said: our presence to Iraq comes to address challenges faced by economic policies, pointing to the basis of the work of their institution to find recipes for treatment of problems experienced by the Iraqi people, notably unemployment and high rates of poverty and other problems, the Foundation also pays workers' groups and mechanisms for achieving fairness in the distribution of wealth among all members of society, and its role in economic development Sustainable.

Identity economics

The head of the Economic Forum of Baghdad noted that Salman Vari open-market economy worked in the major industrial countries to quality control systems and organizations, pointing out that the open economy has not achieved the desired success in East Asian countries.

And demanded an effort of setting goals and where we aspire to reach, indicating the need to identify the Iraqi economy imposed on decision makers, noting that each State is secure nationally built with stones and food security and social proportions and the most important two building this social dimension of security and justice.

Fair wages

The influence of events in the region on the reality of the economy addressed the Iraq Programme Manager Yusuf Ibrahim Friedrich said: the topics that focus on our budget are taxes and tax incentives as well as operating policies and fair wages, as well as the integration of young people into work, pointing out that all this joints task aimed at the welfare of society.

The effects of the events in the region on the reality of the economy and the low level of implementation in all projects and fear afflicting all economic processes, and the role of the private sector which is the engine of economic policies and access to social justice.

Economic expert Dr Mohammad Saleh appearance emphasized that social justice disagreed with disruption of oil prices, noting that the Iraqi Central Bank initiative represents a trend to restore social justice, stressing the importance of finding the Court dealt with plans to add 50 thousand young people into the labour force annually representing the output Education.

While among financial expert Majed Imaging review important affair in budgeting and implementation, must be reviewed by the tax system, where tax policy must be one of the tools of social justice.

Banking service

Either d. Rafidain Asadi General Manager assigns it called that social justice achieved when services are available and easily obtained, a sign that the Bank seeks to achieve social justice by obtaining a banking service, indicating that the central initiative did not materialize because of the fear of failure to achieve social justice up to the target.

Adnan Al-saffar Chairman of Federation of trade unions said: «working both physical and intellectual effort, noting that the building all cities and is the basis of any economic policy, noting that the legislation does not conform to the standards Humanity.

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