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Iraq discusses financial market activity analysis studies

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Iraq discusses financial market activity analysis studies

30/4/2016 12:00 am

Closure of the work of the Conference on Arabic stock

Baghdad-the morning

In Oman, Jordan concluded International Conference of Federation of Arabic Thursday evening, hosted by the Jordanian stock market and continued for two days.

And Iraq took part in the Conference along with more than 400 character representing stock exchanges and regulatory bodies of the financial markets and brokerage firms and managers of investment funds and investment banks, as well as a number of conservative managers, journalists and research companies and companies listed in stock exchange of Oman and international rating agencies and professional organizations, and local, regional and international banks.

And like the Iraq market for securities in the event of three experts from members of the Board of Governors of the market to view plans and exchange of information and the adoption of the Union's annual budget in addition to discussing the studies prepared by the Union to analyze financial markets activity Arabic.

He said the Jordanian Securities Commission Chairman Mohammed Saleh Hourani during the Conference: "I've noticed that the total market capitalization of stock exchange members, more than $1 trillion, with trading value, about 50 percent of market capitalization, this small percentage, compared with the global rates.

He noted that the crisis of low oil prices, they must have their effects, calling for deep search on the main reasons for this lack of liquidity, ready, during this year of chairing Oman Bourse to Federation of Arabic, and judging from the Jordanian Securities Commission responsibility and Oman stock exchange, do follow the proposed solutions, seeking financial oversight bodies have Arabic, to discuss laws that help to overcome obstacles and develop the financial markets Arabic.

The Executive Director role for Oman Bourse Nader Azer that the Conference aims to contribute to the development of Arabic exchanges and enhance complementarities and ways to increase liquidity, in addition to the IPO market development in Arabic capital markets as well as increased awareness of the latest technical developments related to the venture capital industry.

Azer added that over 35 Arab and international experts representing the main institutions operating in the financial services industry have participated in the sessions of the Conference discussion, reviewed the most important trends, challenges and opportunities facing global financial markets, plus more than 30 international financial company stocks.

Conference sessions included discussions and dialogues on a range of topics related to the financial markets as the role of financial markets in economic growth, and the role of financial services companies access to international investors, global rating companies and their role in the evolution of financial markets, disclosure systems using Arabic language of XBRL and how financial markets international investors see Arabic, what expectation of Arabic and international financial markets under their challenges, and the role of the media in the financial services sector, along with a number of other topics discussed.

The Conference concluded that the importance of further strengthening cooperation and joint Arab action between Arabic and capital markets to meet the challenges and take advantage of the expected investment opportunities,

in addition to the importance of Arabic in capital markets development and modernization of its permanent according to international best practices in this field, with a view to improving the services provided to all sides in the competition faced from regional and international financial markets and attract more local, regional and international investments.

At the conclusion of the Conference announced the transfer of the rotating Presidency of the Union of Arabic, Oman stock exchanges as of the 26th of April 2016 and for a year.

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