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Slowed the Iraqi al-Maliki 72 hours to implement the four demands and threatening to withdraw its ministers

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Slowed the Iraqi al-Maliki 72 hours to implement the four demands and threatening to withdraw its ministers

Editor: CC | HL Monday, 19 March 2012 13:06 GMT
Iraqi List MP Talal Zobaie
Sumerian News / Baghdad
announced that the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, on Monday, to submit an official request to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has four demands, most notably a national meeting before the summit of Baghdad, while threatened to withdraw its ministers from the government in the event of non-implementation of their demands within 72 hours.

said Rep. from the list, Talal Zobaie in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "the Iraqi List, made ​​a formal request to the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki summed up in four axes a national meeting before the Arab Summit, and the abolition of the law of accountability and justice, and to accelerate the enactment of a law of amnesty, and the application of the terms of the Erbil . "

said Zobaie that "the list gave the government 72 hours to meet the demands of political and otherwise will be withdrawn and prime ministers from the government again," asserting that this time will be the withdrawal of "final". He Zobaie to that "Iraq wants to put an end to political procrastination that practice by a coalition of state law, "while the detection of" meaningful dialogues were under way with some of the parties to form a coalition representative again may work toward a no-confidence for the current government. "

and threatened the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, said Monday (March 19, 2012), under the guidance messages written to the Arab summit to be held in Baghdad at the end of this month for the fact that the crisis in Iraq, if not to touch the seriousness of correcting the situation, while the accused points of information Pfbarakh statements attributed it to justify any security breach before the summit.

preparing Baghdad to receive the Arab delegations, which are expected to participate summit countries Arabic which will be held in Iraq by the end of this month. had previously boycotted the Iraqi List, the Council of Representatives, also boycotted the 17 December Council of Ministers, and returned in (February 6, 2012) and announced that the components have agreed to end the County Council of Ministers and the return of all its ministers to attend the meetings of the Council, confirmed that this decision came after meetings between the leaders of political blocs and the request of the leader of the dialogue and the Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq and was President Jalal Talabani and parliament Osama Najafi agreed during a meeting held in the province of Sulaymaniyah, on 27 December 2011, at a national conference of all the powers political will to address issues related to governance, the state and develop solutions to the crisis has, in rejection of the National Alliance Conference held in Kurdistan, stressing the need to take place in Baghdad, and called for the support and keep the issue of Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi for politicization. gave the Iraqi leader Iyad Allawi (18 December the second the past), three options in case of failure of the National Conference to be held in the coming days, which is that the National Alliance named a new prime minister instead of Nuri al-Maliki, or form a new government is to hold early elections, or to form a government of national partnership and real based on the implementation of agreements Full Erbil, while calling a number of Iraqi MPs in more than one occasion dismissed al-Maliki.

It is noteworthy that Iraq is a major political crisis is the first after the American withdrawal, on the back of issuing an arrest warrant against the vice president the leader of the Iraqi List, Tariq al-Hashimi, after being accused of supporting terrorism, and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a request to parliament to withdraw confidence from his deputy, Saleh al-Mutlaq, the leader of the Iraqi List, also, after the description of the last of the owners as a "dictator does not build," which prompted Iraq to suspend its membership in the Council of Ministers and House of Representatives, and submit a request to the parliament vote of no confidence for al-Maliki.

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