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Reveals the state of law "acts" Baghdad summit

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Reveals the state of law "acts" Baghdad summit

Date: Monday 19/03/2012 10:28

 Baghdad / menopausal Hossam Acommok
renewed the Arab League rejected the invitation of Turkey and Iran to the Arab summit, while the authorities have confirmed the Iraqi security that preparations security to climb the Arab leaders reached a peak through the commitment of the military sectors places allocated and work to fill any security breach may occur hours of the summit.

In these positions are still visions of Iraqi political blocs have not standardized on the maturity next, especially with the Iraqi insistence that have differences great with a coalition of state law, to display the internal files in the Arab summit, of what it considered violations of human rights and the exclusion of a partner from the political process.

in when he saw a coalition of state law that the number of calls the Iraqi to put the internal file at the Arab summit, stands behind the narrow political interests of the list, revealing at the same time for the summit's agenda, which does not discuss the internal issues of any of the Arab countries.

is scheduled for the Arab summit in Baghdad in 29 of this month after it was scheduled to be held in May of last year but was postponed to March 2012, at the request of Iraq and the government, regardless about half a billion dollars in preparation for the contract.

The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Nabil el-Arabi said in an interview for a number of media representatives Headquarters of the Arab League, said yesterday that the "Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is invited to attend the Arab summit in Baghdad in the 29 of March current."

The Arab that "the departments not only Arab country that will participate in the summit is the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Conference and the Organization of African States and the European Union. "

On the security front, authorities tightened specialized that the protection scheme of delegations participating in the Arab Summit to be held in Baghdad at the end of this month in its final stages, while confirming that the military units caught the reins of the majority of areas in terms of security.

The Chief of Staff of the Baghdad Operations Command Lieutenant General Hussein Baidhani in a statement released yesterday, and received a "long", a copy of it, that "the security preparations for the Arab summit had begun more than two years on the grounds that it was scheduled for last year but the conditions were not appropriate time, "noting that the Baghdad operations" carried out this year a lot of security plans, was also prepared details of all related to secure delegates to the summit. "
said Baidhani that "the final plan to provide the appropriate atmosphere for the Arab summit and reached the final stages of tight ends loose and others." , asserting that "military units caught the reins of the majority of areas in terms of security and carried out proactive will impact on the summit."

As for the political side, the internal and the possibility of internationalizing the Arab world, confirmed the Iraqi List, it is serious in making the Arab summit, a place to display the problems of exclusion experienced by some components in the ongoing political process in Iraq in the event of continued operations of procrastination to resolve outstanding issues and for the application of agreements before the formation of the government.

said the mouthpiece of the Iraqi list Maysoon al in a press statement received (range) a copy of yesterday that "the Iraqi List is serious in presenting their problems to the Arab summit especially in relation to human rights violations and the process of exclusion experienced by some of the components of political and not, as some say it a whirlwind media. "

and stressed that "the political parties will see the position of the Iraqi List, the Day of the summit if the process continued failure to find application for all political agreements before the formation of the government."
It showed Damluji that "the list will be sent letters to the summit and will be of great impact."

House Speaker Osama Najafi, stood by the demands of his list (of Iraq) in the question search the internal situation of Iraq during the Arab summit conference, stressing the need not to discuss any issue of internal Arab in the event not to discuss the issue of Iraq, while calling on Arab countries to be positive with Iraq in a balanced and stable.

Nujaifi said in a statement released yesterday, and got "long", a copy of it, that "the Iraqi issue is intertwined with all neighboring countries as the overlap of the United Nations one way or another, "and urged to" consider all the issues of the Arab countries, including the internal situation of Iraq, during the Arab summit. "
said Najafi that "it is unreasonable to keep away the Arabs from participating in the issue they are concerned already have," adding that "the problems Arab overlapping and affect other countries in the region. "

He Nujaifi that "no defect in the discussion of the situation in Iraq during the summit," pointing out that "the Iraqi government in the event of refusal to put the internal situation of the country during the Summit, it is better, should not be considered a domestic issue of Arab and only talk about relations with the outside world. "

He Nujaifi by saying that "Iraq is unstable and needs to help everyone in the stability", calling on Arab states to "be positive with him in a balanced and stable."
In turn, the coalition of state law that the Arabs will discuss the five files in the forefront of Arab spring and its effects as well as the Palestinian cause.

A leading figure in the Dawa Party, MP for the rule of law Shaker Darraji yesterday, "the summit of the Arabs and not, as you imagine the Iraqi List, it is the political blocs," noting, "It will discuss the important issues and has the agenda is limited to five points , and that the Arab foreign ministers made ​​the decision not to discuss internal issues at the summit. "

and the themes contained in the agenda revealed Darraji in a special statement (range) yesterday, "will discuss the Arab spring and its effects on the region and political changes, and the Palestinian cause and collapsed in the last period , as well as restructuring of the Arab League "and the last file pointed deputy state law," there is an agreement assigning this task to Lakhdar Brahimi, it is possible to replace the League of Arab States to the coalition or the Arab Union. "

will also discuss Arab summit in Baghdad, according to Darraji "terrorism and fatwas groups takfiri , as well as orientation for the development of the Arab Parliamentary Union. "

as MP for the rule of law on the results of the last meeting of the National Alliance, which was held on Thursday evening, noting "we confirmed the need to communicate with the parties to reach the agenda of the national meeting to be held after the Summit," stressing that "there is a committee made ​​up of Khalid al-Attiyah for the National Alliance and Rose Nuri Shawis from the Kurdistan Alliance and Adnan al-Janabi, the Iraqi, they are obliged to numbers of the agenda."

concluded Darraji that the statements of Iraqi aims to influence the current political situation in order to access the most amount of benefits to the National Alliance, stressing "that all these efforts will fail because there are issues that need to be discussed with all parties, not only our alliance."

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