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Kurdistan Alliance: Maliki will pay the price dearly for fighting other political blocs

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Kurdistan Alliance: Maliki will pay the price dearly for fighting other political blocs

3.17.2012 | (Voice of Iraq)

Baghdad - where threatened the Kurdistan Alliance MP Farhad Atrushi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his likes Yassin Majeed to pay a high price for the hostility other political blocs. " he said in a statement to all of Iraq [where] the day that al-Maliki and his silent before and after the elections and stop the harassment Kurdistan and when they were the owners what he wanted to have won the prime minister, returned and attacked the province of Kurdistan. "

said MP from Kurdistan Alliance that what is happening on the political scene today is a conflict between the mentalities mentality centralized want to tyrannize and the unique power and want to dominate the new Iraq and the mentality you want to The distribution of these powers between the regions and provinces, and that everyone involved in the management of the new Iraq in the political decision-making. "

said Atrushi that the Kurds are not a party to the sectarian conflict, and that Yassin Majid will not be able to move the Shiite street against the Kurds, because our relations strategy with the Supreme Council and we have relations strong with the Sadrist movement, despite some statements convulsive issued by some MPs Liberal bloc also that we have strong relations with the Shiite components other because we have participants many in the common struggle and oppression and resistance against the Baath. "

said MP from Kurdistan Alliance said Yassin Majid wants to prevent conflict Maliki and the Kurdistan region into conflict Shi'ite, Sunni, and to the conflict Shiite Kurd, said he wants to say to the street the Shi'ite Kurds year and they sided with the Sunnis against Shiites, "adding," Valaitmin Yassin Majeed and those with him, because this will not happen because we are not against the Shia and we were not against Shiites never. "

He Atrushi statements Yassin Majeed failed attempt to sow discord between the PUK and the Kurdistan Democratic Party because he subject is over and we do not need someone reminds us of him and he was wrong strategic and signed it for many reasons, including the state, which works to their advantage Yassin Majeed "challenging" in the same time glorious that comes as one of the figures announced by the day of collusion with Barzani, Baath regime. "

and Atrushi that the problem of the Kurdistan Alliance is not with the Shiites but with al-Maliki as head of the Dawa Party, and those with al-Maliki from the likes of Yasin Majeed. " and asked the Kurdistan Alliance MP said, Was it not more lords of Yassin Majeed who is in the Kurdistan region in the time of the former regime and they were saying that this land is the land of the free and the land of the resistance and the mujahideen and we help them in every way and we were Núém in our mountains and our homes and we give them from our daily and Arezagna and including activists from the Dawa party of the likes of Abdul Halim Zuhairi and other activists of the Dawa Party.

" said Atrushi that the former regime was accusing us of killing innocent people and this land became the land of the rebels and the land of sinners, and today Yassin Majid repeat the same statements. " and accused the MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, the Iraqi government, Yassin Majeed annexation League of the Righteous into the political process and they who were the cause of the death of a Sadrists in the last year and accused them of being the reason for killing lots of Shia and Sunni alike. " He Atrushi said Yassin Majid and his clique have become rulers of Iraq and want to restore the same image of the former regime, "calling on" the Iraqi people that be the judgment on such behavior. "

Escalated fever remarks today between state law and the Kurdistan Alliance, especially after he attacked the deputy Yasin Majid, a coalition of law Kurdistan leader Massoud Barzani on the back of his remarks for his refusal to hand over the Vice President of the Republic required to eliminate Tariq al-Hashimi. Majid said in told all of Iraq [where] on Saturday that "Barzani's comments about the al-Hashemi, in which he said that the ethics Kurdish does not allow his extradition to Baghdad and we wonder you allow morality Kurdish hosting a man accused of killing innocent civilians and wonder how it allowed the ethics Kurdish on 31 August 1996, to enter the Iraqi Intelligence Service and the Iraqi army during the reign of the former regime to Kurdistan and arrested between [700-900] people of the freedom fighters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Iraqi National Congress and became yet missing and anonymous until now. "

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