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Araji is the return of Iraq .. And conflict-Maliki and al-Mutlaq, a continuous

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Araji is the return of Iraq .. And conflict-Maliki and al-Mutlaq, a continuous

On: Friday 6/1/2012 6:31

 Baghdad / term
make the Sadrist movement strenuous efforts to persuade Iraq's return of its ministers and deputies to the executive and legislative branches, but these attempts have hit the escalation continued and mutual accusations between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his deputy, Saleh al-Mutlaq, who renewed his accusations to the Prime Minister dictatorship,

He said that Maliki's decision to give ministers the Iraqi leave open and which is al-Mutlaq, one of its leaders is illegal.
It seems that the actors in Iraq that do not want to comment list, where it began announces its refusal to publicly, as the form of three MPs yesterday the new block within Iraq and decided to return to Parliament.

Chairman Liberal block of the Sadrist movement Bahaa al-Araji, said that the Sadr movement will intensify its efforts to return the Iraqi List, as soon as the meetings of the House of Representatives and the Minister.

They said in a statement received (range) a copy of it: "The mass of the free and the political body of the Sadrist movement will play an important role in the coming days to end the problem of the Iraqi List and returned to the House of Representatives and the government, "stressing that the responsibility of national and legislative require such moves as long as Iraq is passing through a difficult and critical.

and that "intensive meetings took place yesterday, and we met with a delegation of the Iraqi List headed by Rafie al-Issawi and we discussed many details" .

He noted: "The demands of the Iraqi List, reasonable, and approved the removal of one Tariq al-Hashimi for a political settlement so take judicial way, provided the non-interference by the political parties."

On the subject of the Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq said: "It is a subject a government to be resolved between the head Minister and his deputy, and thus there are demands, rights and obligations of the list of them.

But al-Mutlaq, rose from his tone toward the Maliki again and called him a "dictator", he is no longer able to manage the state, saying that Maliki is not entitled to leave open to ministers of the Iraqi List.

The Maliki has submitted a request to the Iraqi Council of Representatives last month to withdraw confidence from his deputy al-Mutlaq, after he described the latter as "the dictator does not build the country."

agency, the Kurdish news agency quoted al-Mutlaq said yesterday that "al-Maliki does not have any legal right to grant ministers of Iraq leave open and set the colleagues in their place. "
decided to al-Maliki yesterday, six ministers from the Iraqi List, leave and ask the other ministers to manage the ministries after being boycotted by ministers of the Iraqi cabinet sessions against the backdrop of escalating political differences with the coalition of state law.

The decision comes after it threatened to al-Maliki last month that he would fire any minister is boycotting the meetings of the Cabinet that the decision to boycott violates the Constitution.
The new al-Mutlaq said in a statement describing the owners as a "dictator," and accused of politicizing the judiciary in the case of al-Hashemi, and demanded to dissolve the current government and the formation of new ones.

He said that "There is a unique power and dictatorship is rarely seen in Iraq , and there is congestion and a letter of jerky and in particular of the al-Maliki. "

On the subject of the request to withdraw confidence in him, said al-Mutlaq said "There are no powers of this kind nor are existing agreements which formed the Maliki government," and expressed hope that "agree-Maliki to resolve government because it came Bhetwavqat certain political, and the formation of a new government. "

He pointed out that "the results of the investigation in the case of al-Hashemi before the end of the trial confirmed that the issue is politicized."

, it announced three deputies from the Iraqi List, Thursday, for the formation of an independent bloc within the list due to the policy leaders that deviated from the national project, and while they decided to return to the meetings of the House, asserted that many Iraqi MPs will join the bloc's new.

He told (range) yesterday, "I am with Deputies Ahmed Jubouri, Juma Ibrahim Khader, we decided to form a bloc and patriots in the context of the Iraqi List, "attributing the cause to" the policy of some leaders of the menu that deviated from its assigned to it and its purpose and noble line of the national. "

He Alloizi that "the list has taken it upon Bmazlomah range without the other and the suffering of the province without the other on sectarian background, as well as personal interests on the interests of the people, "adding that" the form of significant pressure on members of the list of the center and south, which led to the withdrawal of some of its members to protest this policy, and the loss of the existing broad audience in those provinces. "

He Alloizi to "support the leadership of the Iraqi List of Projects Regions Index serious matter of doubt in the commitment of these leaders, the unity of the country, "pointing out that" the exchange of the Iraqi policy of fabricating a crisis with the government, which was most recently its decision to suspend its members attending the meetings of Parliament and the Council of Ministers, the greater the political landscape complex. "

stressed Alloizi that "the mass of patriots decided to resume Parliament sessions on our commitment to perjury, which Oksmnah to care for the interests of the people, "noting that" many Iraqi MPs will join the bloc's new. "

and on the back of the Declaration on the bloc's new home of the deputy in the Iraqi List, Ahmed Jubouri bombing south of the city of Mosul.

Jubouri said, told all of Iraq " house in the Asifih south of the city of Mosul came under attack by a rocket and a bomb after the ad to join the new grouping and the accident did not result in injuries to members of my family because they were not inside. saying that the missile did not explode and was brought under control, without being accused of a particular party incident " .

"The reason I joined this gathering is to create a climate of faith to solve problems and ways out of the political crisis experienced by the country," revealing "for a number of near return of Iraqi ministers to the meetings of the Council of Ministers in the coming days and end the boycott"

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