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Prime Minister: It is not possible to accept the disruption of tasks and projects, and everyone will be subject to evaluation

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Prime Minister: It is not possible to accept the disruption of tasks and projects, and everyone will be subject to evaluation

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political    Today, 12:41
Baghdad - conscious

Today, Saturday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani affirmed that the loyal employee is the main tool that the government relies on in implementing its programs and reforms, while indicating that

everyone will be subject to evaluation, starting from the simplest employee to the highest level.

A statement by the media office of the Prime Minister, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that

"Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani honored a group of distinguished and creative employees in state institutions, during the activities of the fifth season of the (Job Day) festival that it held, this morning. Baghdad Governorate, in cooperation with the Universities of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya.

Al-Sudani said in a speech during the occasion:

“We meet this distinguished group of employees who represent role models in altruism, sincerity and integrity, as each one of them carries a great story that deserves appreciation, including the story of the

truck driver whose son was assassinated by terrorism, who was also driving a loaded truck.” With goods belonging to the state, he refused his funeral until the goods were delivered to their place, and he set an example of integrity, patience and commitment.  He continued: "Likewise, the story of the

director of the examination center who woke up in the morning to screams in his house because of his son's death, and instead of his funeral, he went to the examination center and opened the school for students to take their exams, so it was a testament to the beautiful patience and concern for the students' future, as well as the epic of the

medical team at Al-Wasiti Hospital." Who worked a full day, day and night, to transplant an Iraqi child's arm that was separated from his body, in addition to the story of

an Iraqi woman working in the Kimadia company, who was able, with her integrity, diligence and sincerity, to recover (50) million dollars, which could have gone into the pockets of the corrupt, after she lowered one of Vaccine contracts from (80) million dollars to (30) million dollars.  He pointed out,

"These stories are examples of many stories whose heroes were Iraqi men and women,

but what is regrettable is that many media outlets only transmit negative images and stories, and do not deal with positive stories, of which we have many."  He stated that

"national duty and professionalism require that the media pay attention to these bright images, and not preoccupy themselves with sowing frustration and melancholy among people, by portraying all employees as corrupt, bribed, and insincere in the performance of their duties." Pointing out that

"a successful employee is wherever he is, and in any service location."

As for the hesitant and lazy employee who spreads negative energy, or who takes paths of bribery, corruption and disrupting people's interests, he will be a burden on the successful, and a source of distortion for the efforts of loyal employees.  The Prime Minister stated that

"the government has drawn an integrated approach in administrative reform in all state institutions, to achieve its program and vision, represented in streamlining the performance of institutions, and putting an end to corruption, nepotism and red tape," noting that

"the loyal, keen, honest and efficient employee, whatever his title, is It is the main tool that the government relies on in implementing its programs and reforms, and

no program can be implemented without successful tools, and

it is not possible to accept the disruption of tasks and projects due to delay, hesitation, corruption, or failure here or there.  He stated that

"everyone will be subject to evaluation, starting from the simplest employee up to the highest level, including the speaker (the prime minister)," pointing out that

"we cannot continue to suffer and ask the people to bear the favoritism here or there, which brought this negligent official or employee or corrupt.”  The Prime Minister concluded by saying:

"I salute you, and I salute the Baghdad governorate for this great work, and a tribute to the work team that brought us these samples from the employees who will be a source of radiation in all departments of the state."

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