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The state-building experience in Iraq

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1The state-building experience in Iraq Empty The state-building experience in Iraq Mon May 09, 2022 6:10 am



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The state-building experience in Iraq

Friday, May 6, 2022 9:35 PM
Jaafar Al-Husseini

With the exception of King Faisal the First, the (state project) was absent from the successive governments and regimes in Iraq.

Rather, it did not spare any effort to obstruct it, or that its authoritarian behavior exacerbated the problems in its path. materialism for any system, in the absence of the state project.

These achievements, or most of them, soon lose their value after a decade or a few decades. As for the establishment of a modern state in which power is transferred in a peaceful and smooth manner, it is he who guarantees the country’s future, progress, and unity.

The establishment of a strong and stable state is The goal that politics aspires to at every time and place, which if it were to be achieved, would have justified, or rather it would be easy to understand the mistakes or sins of those who achieved this great historical achievement.

Noting that King Faisal’s first project did not see the light of day, and a state was established, which he himself described in his famous memo, saying: “Iraq is a kingdom ruled by a Sunni Arab government that rules a Kurdish section and a Shiite majority…etc) (Al-Bazzaz. Iraq from Occupation to Independence, p. 231). Unfortunately, he died early (50 years old).

If he were to live, we would have been - perhaps - in front of another Iraq. His son Ghazi succeeded him as king of Iraq, and he was not yet twenty-two, and he lacked - despite his flowing patriotic feelings - the cunning and cunning of the leadership, immersed in His pleasures were to the point of extravagance.

Then he was killed - on April 4, 1939 - in a premeditated car accident, because of his stances on the Palestinian cause, his demand for Kuwait, and his flirtation with Germany and Italy.

He was succeeded by Abd al-Ilah bin Ali (27 years old) as the guardian of the throne, because King Faisal II did not exceed the age of four.

In fact, Abd al-Ilah was the last person who was fit to lead Iraq in such dangerous international circumstances (the Second World War, then the Cold War later, then the resurgence of Nasiriyah).

In addition to being a simple employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (i.e., without experience), an academic failure, and ignorant of Iraqi affairs, he was not a politician, but an ordinary man fond of horse racing and a heavy drinker. And the other half is in persecuting the communists and abusing them) 0

Unfortunately, the revolution of July 14, 1958, also failed to build a modern Iraqi state.

The Iraqi state remained, Ottoman, thinking, spirit and methods, that is, it remained (a state against its society), which exacerbated the crisis of the Iraqi entity, and it ended.

To what it ended up with at the hands of Saddam and then the American occupation 0

All the political, social and economic achievements made by the Free Officers - including major ones - remained superior achievements, and lost their value with the passage of time.

The worst of this is that they destroyed the old state that existed, and failed to build a modern state in its place.

The first results of that were: The start of the Kurdish revolution, the escalation of sectarian division, and the loosening of the political conflict (what happened in 1959, then 1963 as an example) 0

The first step on the path to destroying the state was to change the flag (this bad habit that transformed it from the first national symbol around which the people gather - through thick and thin - to the flag of the ruling regime 0 with reference to Ataturk and despite his coup against everything Ottoman, he kept on The national flag) 0

The unfortunate result of this foolish act was that we are the only country in the region - and perhaps also in the world - that changed its flag five times, and here we - until this moment - did not agree on our national flag 0 and also related to this that we are the only country in the world, who does not have a national holiday, so we still do not agree on defining the national holiday.

Thus, all the national symbols that unite the people and link their successive generations and enhance their collective memory have been tampered with.

The Free Officers considered their revolution, and the Baathists their coup, the end of history, and therefore everything in the state must be associated with this event, or expressed, and

they forgot that the homeland is more durable than revolutions and rulers 0 and that any revolution - no matter how great - soon becomes an event In history, events and events come behind it.

Thus, Iraq was torn apart by their hands.

Then came the American occupation, and the components replaced the people, and the sect replaced the homeland.

We began to disagree about everything.

The future of Iraq depends on building its modern national state, which is based on three foundations: With the constitution, the rule of law, and the realization of equality.

On the mention of the constitution, the state project was completely absent, when the current constitution was written, and it has been greatly distorted, so that it can be said that the current political system has distorted more than distorted. modify it.

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