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A new energy source that will shake the global gasoline throne

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A new energy source that will shake the global gasoline throne

Yes Iraq: Follow up

The world is experiencing great developments in all fields and sectors, and one of the most important of these areas is the energy sector, and amid the confusion witnessed by the petroleum energy market in the world and the increasing demand and rising prices, an alternative energy source appears that may “shake the throne of gasoline in the world.”

With this great development, there is a possibility that petroleum derivatives, led by gasoline, will lose their primacy, as other materials have appeared, which can be safer and more effective, although gasoline is still the best option in terms of cost.

Hydrogen technology of all kinds appears to have reached a huge tipping point, and could explode with a total market potential of $11 trillion in 2050.

hydrogen energy

As of 2016, the world's attention turned increasingly to green hydrogen, as one of the non-polluting energy sources for the environment, and to reduce emissions that negatively affect the climate.

The desire to achieve the goals of combating climate change and zeroing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 has led to a gradual increase in interest in green hydrogen all over the world.

Hydrogen is seen as an energy source in the future, and it is expected that it will focus on production from natural gas and renewable energy sources, while production is expected to be after several years using only renewable energy sources.

The European Union set out its new hydrogen strategy, last year 2020.

This new fuel, which is environmentally friendly, and may be more sustainable, will shake the throne of gasoline if it becomes easier to produce, more widely distributed and safer for public use.

While some of the leaders of green hydrogen around the world began to cooperate with each other with the aim of increasing the volume of production to nearly 50 times the current production during the next six years.

green hydrogen

The importance of the new fuel and its superiority over gasoline

Hydrogen energy experts in the world believe that this new fuel will shake the throne of gasoline for several reasons, the most important of which are:

Hydrogen energy is environmentally friendly and does not emit polluting gases, either during combustion or during production.

More sustainable compared to other fuels.

Easier and safer to produce

Versatile as green hydrogen can be converted into electricity or synthetic gas and used for domestic, commercial, industrial or transportation purposes.

Transportable that can be blended with natural gas in proportions of up to 20% and use the same gas pipelines and infrastructure.

Green hydrogen uses

Green hydrogen can be widely used, particularly in:

Hydrogen fuel cell electric cars and trucks.

An alternative to natural gas for cooking and heating in homes.

Hydrogen electric turbines that can generate electricity at times of peak demand to help stabilize the power grid.

Container ships powered by liquid ammonia made of hydrogen.

Green steel refineries that burn hydrogen as a heat source instead of coal.

green hydrogen

Disadvantages of green hydrogen

High cost: The energy needed to extract green hydrogen is expensive, which makes obtaining hydrogen more expensive.

Hazardous gas: Hydrogen is a highly volatile and flammable element and therefore comprehensive safety measures are required to prevent leaks and explosions.

High Energy Consumption: Hydrogen production in general and green hydrogen in particular requires more energy than other fuels.

What is green hydrogen?

Green hydrogen is formed through a process known as electrolysis.

Here, a device known as an electrolyzer breaks down the compound into its constituent elements using an electric current.

This compound is often water that breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen.

If the electricity used comes from renewable sources, such as wind and solar, the subsequent hydrogen is known as "green".

According to the International Energy Agency, less than 1% of hydrogen today is produced through the electrolysis of water, while the current market for hydrogen, which uses fossil fuels resulting in carbon emissions, is dominated by “gray” production.

The EU's strategy focuses on the development of "clean and renewable" or green hydrogen.

This is produced through the electrolysis of water, using carbon-free electricity from solar or wind sources. Another low-carbon option, blue hydrogen, is produced using fossil fuels in which carbon emissions are captured and stored.

Significant change in hydrogen fuel production

Today, the world is witnessing a remarkable change in this field for two reasons:

Availability of electricity in large quantities: Instead of storing excess electricity in several groups of batteries, it can be used in the process of electrolysis of water, and then storing the electricity in the form of hydrogen.

Increasing the efficiency of electrolysis machines: Companies are seeking to develop electrolysis machines that can produce green hydrogen at the same cost as producing regular and blue hydrogen, and this is what analysts expect in the next ten years.

Although there is no direct focus on the issue of renewable energy, the increasing investments that are taking place in this field reveal more progress and development.

Among these efforts are the Green Hydrogen Catapult initiative, which was co-founded by Saudi clean energy group ACWA Power, Australian project developer CWP Renewables, European energy giants, as well as Chinese wind turbine manufacturer, and Italian gas group.

This initiative aims to produce more than 25 gigawatts of easily transportable green hydrogen by 2026.

green hydrogen

Arab investments in hydrogen

Months ago, Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy and Chairman of the Expo 2020 Dubai Higher Committee, inaugurated the "Green Hydrogen" project at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai.

According to a statement by the Dubai Government Media Office, the project was implemented in cooperation between Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Expo 2020 Dubai and Siemens Energy at the authority's external testing facilities in the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Energy Complex.

The project is the first of its kind in the MENA region to produce green hydrogen using solar energy.

The station has been designed and built to be able to accommodate future applications and test platforms for various uses of hydrogen, including transportation and industrial uses.

The project supports the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 to provide 75% of the energy production capacity from clean energy sources by 2050.

As well as the Dubai Green Mobility 2030 initiative, which aims to stimulate the use of sustainable transportation.

In this context, Oman is also planning to build one of the world's largest green hydrogen plants in a move to make the oil-producing country a pioneer in renewable energy technology, according to the Guardian newspaper.

The newspaper reported that the project, which will start work in 2028, is located on the Arabian Sea in the Central Governorate, with the aim of producing 25 gigawatts of wind and solar energy.

This comes to reduce the Gulf state's dependence on oil within the framework of the Oman 2040 vision, which was launched during the reign of Sultan Haitham bin Tariq.

The $30 billion project is built on a consortium of companies, including national oil and gas company Okiyo and Hong Kong-based renewable hydrogen developer InterContinental Energy.

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