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Loans, the International Monetary Fund, and Dismantling Iraq with Shock Therapy ...

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Loans, the International Monetary Fund, and Dismantling Iraq with Shock Therapy ...

Pratha News Agency  109  2020-12-10
Haitham Khazali ||

After our previous article (Al-Kazemi and the scenario of the former Yugoslavia to divide Iraq)

And because the intelligence services adopt models of plans with fixed templates, and do not plan for each country alone, especially small countries, a model applied in a specific country is invoked and applied to a country under similar circumstances.

As the model for Tamimen Square in China, there were attempts to implement it in the October demonstrations in Iraq.

The model of the former Yugoslavia is to kill it economically and to dismantle it politically and socially, by using economic conditions and the media to reach mass brainwashing or (shock therapy) and pushing the people of the country to fight among themselves.

The social conditions of Iraq, including ethnic and sectarian diversity, a quasi-socialist state and the government's insistence on borrowing, adopting austerity policy at the same time, and following the same steps that were applied in the former Yugoslavia by its corrupt government, confirm that the Iraqi government is driven to implement an external scheme to divide Iraq using the program (shock treatment) (The well-known and approved by the International Monetary Fund ... and that it takes the same steps in the footsteps of the sole and the thimble with the collar ...

To impose the IMF program, this program that took advantage of Yugoslavia's loans that were 2 billion in 1970 and reached 20 billion in 1980 and debt service amounted to 20% of Yugoslavia's imports, the IMF intervened to grant Yugoslavia 2.1 billion in exchange for the implementation of the structural adjustment program, which included: -

1- Abolition of subsidies on basic commodities,

2- Freezing investment in infrastructure,

3- Reducing pensions

4- Selling public sector companies.

5- Laying off thousands of workers.

6- Preventing the government from borrowing from the Yugoslav Central Bank

7- Reducing government spending by 5%

All this led to a decrease in real income, an increase in external debt, an increase in unemployment and poverty rates, and an increase in inflation to 1,000%.

These are the conditions that Al-Kazemi wants to apply, and some of them are included in his white paper.

Poor economic conditions pushed the rich Yugoslav provinces, such as Slovenia and Croatia, to independence, then the rest of the provinces fought over limited resources, after the media pumped that the cause of Yugoslavia's poverty was the high birth rates of Muslims and the coverage of the economic conflict with ethnic and racial slogans ...

To confirm what we went to in the case of Yugoslavia and that it was killed economically, WikiLeaks published in 2012 a document dating back to 2009 from the American Center for Security and Military Studies (Stratford) ...

You say .. Do not forget that the austerity policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund on Yugoslavia were partly the reason for its disintegration and the outbreak of conflict in it.

In 1995, Canadian analyst Michael Shushudevsky said, when commenting on the Dayton Peace Agreement to end the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina,

(The disintegration of the Yugoslav federation is related to the macroeconomic restructuring program, which was imposed on Yugoslavia by its external creditors.

This program, which was implemented in stages beginning in 1980, pushed the national economy towards collapse, the disintegration of the industrial sector, and then the gradual disintegration of the welfare state) It is well known that Yugoslavia was an industrialized country, but the industrial sector zeroed out through the programs of the International Monetary Fund.

In the book The Balkan Tragedy, issued in 1995 by the American scholar (Susan Woodward), she says (that the break-up of Yugoslavia was not a result of ethnic conflicts, but rather an economic deterioration caused by the debt repayment program imposed by the International Monetary Fund and other international institutions on Yugoslavia, and the claim that Racism is the cause of fraud and a reversal of facts.)

This confirms that Yugoslavia was killed economically and subjected to difficult conditions, as happens when prisoners are brainwashed, by exposing them to compelling circumstances while indoctrinating them with required beliefs and ideas.

Cairo's living conditions and the media were used to collectively brainwash and create a state of political squint that portrayed the nation's partners as enemies, and did not shed light on the International Monetary Fund's plots.

I believe that the plan seeks to flood Iraq with debts and impose austerity policies that raise unemployment and poverty rates and create psychological conditions for mass brainwashing, and impose giving powers to the governorates under the pretext of decentralization to facilitate the independence of these governorates, especially the rich, such as the oppressed Basra ... Kirkuk or Kurdistan ..

Then, with the media guidance, we may reach the brutality of the Serbs and dismantle Iraq overnight.

What confirms my words is the report of the Wall Street Journal journalist (Judd Winsky) that he sent in 1993 to US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, in which he says (In 1997, Old Yugoslavia, despite all its failures, was a working country,

but the International Monetary Fund implemented its program (shock therapy), and after If the wealthier Slovenia and Croatia saw that their poorer neighbors depleted their resources, ethnic conflicts were revived ...

People in Yugoslavia did not turn into racist monsters, after all their options for a decent economic life were destroyed, and the effects of further ethnic cleansing did not appear if the effects appeared ( Shock therapy (...

With the arrival of Iraq's external debts 72 billion, and the internal debt of 45 billion.

With the accumulation of debt service in the future, Basra may demand more than its transformation into a region, but rather prevent its wealth from the rest of the provinces.

Kurdistan may march towards Kirkuk to secure its own resources.

Everyone is trying to be independent and not to bear the burdens of the great Iraqi debt.

And with the difficult living conditions, the media and electronic armies, the effects of "shock therapy" may appear in Iraq.

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