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Deputies reveal the options for the Al-Kazemi government: to stop the anti-corruption project ... otherwise confidence will be withdrawn ... and sources: blackmail will not stop reform

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09/10/2020 15:00    Readings 1950    Section: Popular Topics

Deputies reveal the options for the Al-Kazemi government: to stop the anti-corruption project ... otherwise confidence will be withdrawn ... and sources: blackmail will not stop reform

Baghdad / The obelisk: The threat to the government, by corrupt political parties, is no longer an assumption, but rather has become a reality in the words of MPs who say that the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi is under threat of withdrawal of confidence, by some political forces that fear the anti-corruption campaign.

The leader of the Nasr Coalition, Aqeel Al-Rudaini, said in statements received by Al-Masalla that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi himself is being threatened with the withdrawal of confidence by some political forces due to the recent anti-corruption campaign.

Al-Rudaini said in a press statement, that the Al-Kazemi government had a real intention to arrest the big heads accused of corruption, but this was met by political rejection by some of the parties affected by the campaign, to the point of threatening to withdraw confidence from the current government.

However, sources told Al-Musalla, that the government's anti-corruption program will continue to fulfill its goals, and threats will not stop it.

The sources added: Some political forces believe that Al-Kazemi's failure to have a political bloc in the House of Representatives will facilitate his threat to withdraw confidence.

The sources considered that these forces make mistakes a lot because Al-Kazemi draws his strength from the people, and his popularity indicates this despite the fierce media campaign led by the parties affected by the fight against corruption and state sovereignty, and a systematic media campaign has been carried out to distort the image of Al-Kazemi exploiting some files such as the salary file.

In a televised speech, July 27, 2020, Al-Kazemi said to some parties trying to troll with murky water, and I tell them frankly that this government came after a sea of blood and will not be causing blood whatever the price, and that my always bias towards the people, and I will not take sides with those who try to blackmail I told you that I am a living martyr, so do not manipulate.

He pointed out that it is not fair and unfair to ask a government, whose actual life is two months, to pay the bill for the plunder and plunder committed by groups and previous governments.

The analyzes are close to the definitive conclusion that parties with a dynamic orientation and programs are working diligently and resolutely to obstruct the government program in curbing corruption, restoring the prestige of the state, and preventing external conflicts on Iraqi soil, after it turned into a program of action for the Al-Kazemi government, while those parties thought that these ambitions were Just stereotypical slogans, most Iraqi governments after 2003 tried to raise them, as a propaganda front, while in hiding they strive to be loyal to their interests only.

Today, after the conflicting parties have touched the money and decision cake since 2003, Al-Kazemi's seriousness in establishing the concept of a strong, professional and future institution, has begun to weave stories that seek to postpone every step towards the real state, conquer the uncontrolled weapon, and extensions of internal and external loyalties.

What the humiliating forces are working on in all parts of the country in the north and south, and in the east and west, is to keep the ministerial platform for Kazemi, ink on paper, to delude people that he does not differ from near or far from previous heads of government, especially in the file of fighting corruption and revealing the killers of the demonstrators And early parliamentary elections.

Rather, these forces, through their media and political arms and their promotional fronts, want to convince the popular movement that achieving the desired reforms will not be at the hands of Al-Kazemi specifically.

The forces afraid of a strong government that imposes the law are working to reach the brink of the abyss, by bringing the security situation to a situation in which Washington threatens to close its embassy in Baghdad, so that other diplomatic missions will follow suit, even if such a dangerous shift approaches, they distanced themselves from being the cause of that.

Especially since the masses will explode in anger if Iraq turns into a country without foreign diplomatic representation, which means it turns into a cantonal state like Afghanistan.

An analysis published earlier by the obelisk said that standing by the state's law and its institutions means keeping Iraq away from the specter of the economic crisis, and preventing the United States from finding excuses to direct military strikes under the pretext of protecting its embassy and its presence, as well as protecting the demonstrators from killing, and protecting the popular crowd as an institution.

Umniah stands ready to suppress any terrorist act and to allow the government to implement its anti-corruption program.

The most important conclusion is that the masses should stand by the government, to prevent the attempts of a dominant political class from working to ensure its interests by weaving intrigues to bring down Al-Kazemi and his government before these elections take place.


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