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What does it mean to close the US embassy in Baghdad? Analysts warn of the Venezuela scenario

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What does it mean to close the US embassy in Baghdad? Analysts warn of the Venezuela scenario

   Time: 09/28/2020 21:23:43    Read: 6,838 times

(Baghdad: Al Furat News)
News of the United States ’intention to close its embassy in Baghdad to repeat its targeting with Katyusha rockets has cast a shadow over the rest of the foreign missions in Iraq, which are also looming about their withdrawal from the country.

Political analysts described the repercussions of this {potential} withdrawal as a "very dangerous sign" that could isolate Iraq from its external surroundings, which is not easy for all Iraqis.

The Washington Post revealed, citing a diplomat, that America will close the embassy in Baghdad for a period of ninety days, in the wake of the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warning Iraq that his country will close its embassy if the Iraqi government does not move to stop armed attacks targeting American interests..

A spokeswoman for the US State Department said on Sunday that Washington had previously made clear that the groups that launch missiles at the US embassy in Baghdad "pose a threat to the government of Iraq and the neighboring diplomatic missions," in response to reports about the spokesman's intention to "close its embassy" in Iraq.

A spokesman for the Prime Minister, Ahmed Mulla Talal, expressed his hope that "the American administration will reconsider the matter. There are outlaw groups trying to destabilize this relationship and closing the embassy will send a negative message."

"The continued targeting of diplomatic missions and foreign embassies in the country in a manner without a reaction or movement from Iraq," said political analyst Salem Al-Zubaidi.

He added, "This targeting has generated concern among states to threaten to withdraw their embassies and headquarters from Iraqi lands."

Al-Zubaidi promised to withdraw foreign embassies from Iraq, "a very dangerous sign that could isolate Iraq from its outlying surroundings."

For his part, political analyst Hussein Al-Kinani confirmed {to Al-Furat News} "that everyone does not want an international or diplomatic boycott with world countries, even with the United States of America."

And, "Iraq is open to states to a large extent, and all political blocs and the Iraqi people have a desire for balanced relations with its regional and international surroundings."

Al-Kinani held the government "responsible for protecting foreign missions and embassies throughout the country."

As a professor of political science, Issam Al-Faily confirmed {to Al-Furat News}, "Iraq, throughout its political history, has not been targeted by any party, and it appears to be a culture alien to the Iraqi society, and in this context there is a consensus among the three authorities and political parties that these missions must be respected as part of Iraq's commitment to an agreement. "Vienna."

He pointed out that "the consequences of these events today began and it is not only on the issue of the United States only, but there are countries and the United Nations began to feel great concern because this constitutes a blatant challenge and their presence in Iraq is within the circle of danger."

"As these events cast a perversion on the rest of the foreign missions, the senior Arab and international diplomatic missions began preparing the preparations since yesterday, either by withdrawing to Erbil in the Kurdistan region or leaving Iraq," Al-Faily added.

He asked, "If these operations are in the heart of Baghdad, where is the intelligence information?",

Stressing "the need to re-read and assess the nature of the risks because the consequences of these strikes will not be easy and trivial for Iraq and the Iraqis as a whole."

Al-Faily pointed out that "practically, America will not leave Iraq, and I think it has left a margin of 90 days to review the solutions to the crisis, but it is aware of the existence of" radical "organizations that do not want to remain. As happened in Venezuela."

The three presidencies affirmed, in their meeting yesterday, to restrict weapons to the hands of the state, protect diplomatic missions, and confront outlaw actions against the country's security and sovereignty, noting that the continuing climate of security turmoil and the consequences that ensues from it will seriously damage the economy of Iraq and its endeavor to overcome the crisis that resulted from the spread of The Corona pandemic and the drop in oil prices and revenues, undermining the country's chances of leaving the country to safety in the face of crises.

While I stressed, that Iraq is not in a state of war except with terrorism, the Iraqi people and their vanguard of the military and security forces of all kinds and their diversities have made decisive strides in defeating and defeating them.

The head of the Iraqi coalition, Mr. Ammar al-Hakim, also condemned the targeting of diplomatic missions in Iraq, and said in a tweet to him on Twitter: There is no doubt that targeting diplomatic missions in Iraq carries many risks and may push world countries to reduce their diplomatic presence and representation in Iraq.

And he called on the government to take its active role in protecting diplomatic missions and not allowing harm to the reputation of the country looking to restore and consolidate its network of foreign relations.


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