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MPs for "morning": host Prime Minister in Parliament are important, but late

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MPs for "morning": host Prime Minister in Parliament are important, but late
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Confirmed that the file security of the priorities of the government and parliament
BAGHDAD - Raad Shaima
At the time disagreed with Congress on that hosting the House of Representatives of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after his return from Japan came on time or late, it was agreed, mostly on the importance of such a deliberation on knowledge of the readiness of security forces to maintain security after the U.S. withdrawal, stressing that the role of parliament is not formality, but is important in the next phase.

The MP said the Kurdistan Alliance, Sheriff Solomon: "The security file is a very important issue for the government and parliament, but had to be listening to the opinion of specialists in this regard by the leader of the armed forces, in addition to security leaders to determine the efficiency and capabilities of security forces to maintain security after the anticipated U.S. withdrawal. "

He said Suleiman's "morning", that "Parliament's call to host the Prime Minister came late and was supposed to take place this call has long not to be sentenced to time, so that we learn directly on the security plans drawn up by the security forces after the withdrawal and the extent of their ability to maintain Iraq's security, integrity, "adding that he had to be invited to discuss the capabilities of the security services and the ability of the managers of these services on the receipt of things.

The MP that he "can not underestimate these things so as not to soak the outcome of severe withdrawal, because we do not want to get a deterioration in the security situation, and that no violations of other parties dominate the Iraqi reality and extend its control after the withdrawal of U.S. forces," noting that "the reality of the event security is not assured, as security officials said some of those who have indicated lack of readiness of Iraqi forces in maintaining security. "

As for the role of Parliament has Solomon said that his role is not a formality and that he is doing his duty to the fullest because he represents the people and preserve the unity and represents the next stage.

The House of Representatives decided last Sunday to extend an invitation to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and security chiefs for hosting during the future meetings to discuss the government's preparations for the post a total U.S. pullout from Iraq, where the head of the parliament, Osama Najafi he will be an invitation to host the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and National Security Adviser to clarify the government's preparations in the field of security and armament.

For his part, MP Mohammed Mhkour to call Parliament to host the Prime Minister came late, but better than never.
Mhkour said "morning": that "the invitation of Prime Minister to discuss not only the U.S. withdrawal as much as a discussion of benefits after the pullout, especially, and that there is a conflict by U.S. commanders on the subject of withdrawal."

"The subject of the invitation came because we want to hear directly from Maliki readiness of security forces and the amount of their ability to establish and maintain the system and its plan to fill the vacuum that will leave U.S. forces after the withdrawal and security plans, in addition to a discussion of benefits administration, stressing that the host-Maliki is very important from my point of view and came to clarify many points.

As for the role of parliament, said Mhkour "remains of the parliament role is important and effective, and not all as determined by the blocks is ratified by the Parliament, and there are some laws that have not been discussed by the masses and are discussed in the House of Representatives as one to activate the electronic voting and vote in the meetings."

He continued: "Meeting of the blocks and discuss some things and take the views which have then to see initially, because the blocks can not take the opinion of the large number of deputies who are currently in use to view the first or primary and then be voted on by Parliament."

In turn, MP for the Iraqi Hamid al-Mutlaq said the U.S. withdrawal was a done deal and we have to be in time to be included in the agreement of Iraq - the U.S..

Mutlaq said: "Hosting the Prime Minister and security leaders is normal, and that this invitation is late because the issue is not about the survival of the security forces or the U.S. withdrawal, but it is a permanent condition all the time does not include any time or situation.

"The security services are capable of imposing security, but you need to build a full, and that includes all the components of the Iraqi people and is based on the principle of balance and professional and are equipped with modern equipment."

It also said the "important role of parliament and not a formality, and that many of the decisions ratified by the Parliament does not discuss the blocks in Ajtmaatha."

The office announced the decision of the Parliament includes a recommendation to the government refused to stay on U.S. forces occupied in any way after 31.12.2011, in the next session, while the MP Hassan Sinead, head of security and defense committee that the process of withdrawal and place as agreed in the Convention security, noting that the security and defense committee in touch with the concerned authorities to follow U.S. withdrawal, which is being increased frequency, pointing out that the trainers to be relied upon to train the security forces belonging to different countries that have been contracts with the military.

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