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Hundreds of foreign companies participating in the exhibition of oil and gas in the Basra Author:

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Author: MB Editor: MN Friday, 25 T 2 2011 19:06 GMT
Alsumaria News / Basra
opened a Turkish company to organize international exhibitions, Friday, an exhibition of oil and gas in Basra, with the participation of 475 companies from 36 countries, as shown participating companies rush to strong for the implementation of projects in the province, announced that the Southern Oil Company for near organize a similar exhibition. The head of the Council Department of Fair Basra International Mohammed Sharif in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "company Beramides Turkish exhibitions opened today in the site gallery Basra International an international exhibition of oil and gas with the participation of 475 companies from 36 countries including Iraq and the United States, Britain, France and the Netherlands, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon and the UAE . " "The exhibition, which lasts three days to ensure the establishment of the Conference attended by representatives of a number of oil companies," he said. For his part, said the sales manager at Honeywell U.S. Tariq bees in an interview for "Alsumaria News", the company he represents and specialized in the techniques of control and control systems for pumping oil, "find that the show at least the importance of exhibitions like that are held in the capitals of developed countries." revealed solve that "the company will open an office in Basra late next month to expand its projects in the province," asserting that "the large number of companies participating in the exhibition due to its desire to growing implementation of projects in Basra as the center of the oil industry in Iraq. " In turn, considered representative of the company Gulf Energy Yasser Albrama in an interview for "Alsumaria News", that Oman represented by specialized drilling wells and maintenance of oil equipment was "firmly Determined to contribute to the development of the oil industry in Iraq, despite the many challenges. " He explained that "participation in the exhibition came after the Company has obtained recently on a piece of land with an area 200 thousand square meters in area Albrjsuh (about 45 km west of Basra) to create a huge workshop for the maintenance of drilling equipment wells, "adding that" The workshop will provide after the opening in the next year, 300 jobs for Iraqi citizens. " For his part, said an official media in the South Oil Company governmental Firat Saleh in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "the exhibition is of great importance because the companies oil, which has anchored the licensing contracts in the process of contracting with companies that specialize in certain areas to help with the development of the fields, "adding that" the foreign oil companies need to governmental facilities so you can easily work in Iraq because it complains of delays for workers on visas and residence permits . " Saleh pointed out that "the South Oil Company has agreed with a foreign company to organize exhibitions, an exhibition similar to the oil and gas in February of next year," explaining that "the exhibition is hoped that the participation of many foreign oil companies." and Iraq was signed in past contracts with international companies to develop some oil fields in the two rounds of licensing the first and second, to raise the production ceiling to 11 million barrels per day within the next six years, to 12 million barrels per day, after the addition of the quantities of the other fields of national effort, has focused the majority of those contracts on the development of oil fields, large south of Iraq, as seen in May of last year's announcement of the third licensing round to develop three gas fields are Akkas in gray, and Mansuriyah in Diyala, and Siba in Basra, while the off weeks ago in the Jordanian capital, licensing round, the fourth, a aims to explore 12 oil fields and gas is distributed in the provinces of Anbar and Nineveh, Najaf, Diyala, Wasit and Qadisiyah. has paid the contracts is the Ministry of Oil to the implementation of a plan by which to step up export capacity of Iraq, including the early stages of the project set up tanks pumped new warehouse FAO coastal extension tubes capacity of the 48, and a length of 20 km on land and 120 km under water, and associated Alanbuban after the completion of installed them in three platforms single floating for export, has also signed the SOC middle of last month contracts worth billion and $ 66 million with two (Saipem), Italian, and (LEIGHTON) Australian for the implementation of three complementary projects on the development of export capacity through the Gulf. to be mentioned that Iraq's production of crude oil was not to exceed 2.5 million barrels per day but rose in recent times for the first time since 2003 to 2.9 million barrels a day, and expects the Oil Ministry to increase its production ceiling to three million barrels next month, and the majority of those quantities extracted from the fields of the province of Basra, which is currently producing at least 1.9 million barrels per day and owns 59% of the total reserves of Iraq's oil by 67.9 billion barrels, also includes the five largest oil fields in the country are the Rumaila North, Rumaila South The Majnoon and West Qurna and Zubair. The exports of Iraqi crude oil of Iraq's exports of crude oil is currently about 2.2 million barrels per day, and most of those quantities exported by tankers freely through the ports of Basra (pristine deep) and al-Amaya floating, and are located within Iraqi territorial waters , and with a capacity to export the actual 1.7 million barrels a day, and pumped to two oil through a pipeline freely connected repositories coastal town near the center of Faw, about 100 km south of the city of Basra, while export quantities produced from the northern fields to Turkey's Ceyhan port, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea via the carrier pipe, and the remaining quantities are exported to Jordan using the pelvic carriers.
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