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Private sector involvement in the management of the Iraqi economy enhances resources

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Private sector involvement in the management of the Iraqi economy enhances resources

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Samir Abbas Al Nassiri/Economist.

All preliminary indications in budgeting for 2017 that non-oil revenues would be higher compared to previous years has been allocated to this means that the Government plans to start the transition from a rental to a productive and diversifying resources and reduce dependence on oil from 95 percent to 85 percent in 2017 of total income

for that to happen there must be a clear role and program Ordinance for private sector involvement in the management of the economy that comes through the reconstruction of the temple the organized private sector in Incentive and procedural and legislative in harmony and match the contents of the axis (iii)

Government program (promoting a shift to private sector) and the stages of implementing the strategy developed for years (2014-2030) launched by the Government in February 2015 to actually start these programs immediately develop mechanisms to involve the private sector in national economic industry with a comprehensive overview of stimulating all productive sectors, mainly in agriculture. Industry and construction (housing and construction), energy, services and tourism

and to adopt Government and private-sector programmes and contributions representations and operational procedures and supported financially and legally be 2017 is actually in the private sector in order to achieve this the Government must primarily Higher Council.:

your sector consists of representatives of the private sector and Government Administration and supervision, review, and evaluation of programs and policies designed to make the decisions required to achieve the objectives of the central economic partnership and cooperation between the private and public sectors

So I think that the experience of Iraq economically since (2003-2016) amounting to thirteen years need to pause a sincere evaluation and analytical in order to build their national economy in accordance with the look of a new strategy for the transition to a market economy in accordance with the Government programme and approved by the Iraqi Parliament included six basic axes,

notably economic axis, which emphasizes the need to apply important stages toward building a strategy to grow the economy and supporting the development of the private sector to take its role in contributing to the construction of the new economy and diversifying its resources to balance without A large proportion of oil dependence,

in order to discuss and examine Iraq's economic realities must stand up to logical and scientific and economic analysis on the highlights of the axes that require solutions to build proper premises to move to prompt market economy mechanisms,

and requires for the purpose of implementing the strategy of developing the private sector, the Government and the private sector in all banking areas, industrial, agricultural and service partnership and cooperation development strategy targets achieved by trends and medium and long term.

And that means engaging the private sector a greater role in economic decision making and market leadership through:

1. to contribute to the improvement of the business environment in Iraq and providing an encouraging investment climate to attract national and foreign capital and promote partnerships between the public and private sector.

Contributing to the new legislative environment based on references to the article (25) of the Permanent Constitution, strategies and laws on economic reform and private sector development to ensure active and leadership for the future market.

2. maintain and activate the partnership and dialogue and cooperation between the private sector and Government.

3. to contribute to the development of policies, mechanisms and strategies and participate in the follow up implemented to resolve transition in stages programmed timetable to a market economy.

4. to provide additional sources of funding for the State budget adoption resources towards development and diversification to increase the percentage of resources other than oil in the GDP.

5. to promote the establishment and development of micro, small and medium enterprises focusing mainly on inclusive and sustainable development including the establishment of specialized institutions for this purpose.

6. cooperation in ensuring the implementation of Central plans to provide the infrastructure to encourage private sector development in industry and commerce, agriculture, tourism, mineral resources, energy and services.

7. activate the role of specialized banks and private banks to provide soft loans to the domestic private sector as well as solutions to the problems of taxation and benefits accrued resulting from stalled production entrepreneurs and develop short-and medium-term fiscal policy.

8. coordination and cooperation with ministries, financial institutions and relevant statistical base financial information and statistics and ensure transparency.

9. active participation with the Government in implementing measures to restructure public enterprises and facilitate partnerships with the private sector.

10. contribute to ensuring quality standards for domestic and imported products and services.

11. cooperation with relevant institutions in qualifying and training specialized human resources in the private sector.

12. encourage private banks to invest in economic projects to enhance its contribution to GDP ratio and speed up legislative amendments to achieve this goal

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Hits count 426 addendum date 22/05/2016-11:02 last updated 29/09/2016-11:48 content number 5179

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