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Iraq signed agreements with more than seven countries to open direct air lines (posted in Players absence)

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Iraq signed agreements with more than seven countries to open direct air lines
05/01/2013 - 15:39
| Source:

Economy and Business

Editor: fineness behind

Alsumaria News / Baghdad
announced Iraqi Ministry of Transport, on Wednesday, for Toukaaha agreements with more than seven countries in a global open lines of direct flights to Baghdad, noting that it has signed contracts with international companies to develop Iraqi airports. adviser said the ministry Karim Nouri in an interview for "Alsumaria News , "" The ministry has signed agreements with more than seven countries to open lines of direct flights with Iraq, "noting that" among those countries Romania and Georgia, China and Malaysia, as well as Russia and Sweden. " said Nouri that "Iraqi Airways will open lines directly between Baghdad and several cities and capitals, including lines between Baghdad and the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, and the Georgian capital Tbilisi, the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, and the Romanian capital Bucharest, as well as the opening of three airlines with three Chinese cities, including Beijing, Gwangju and Shanghai. " He Nouri that "The ministry also signed agreements with both Russia and Sweden about it, "noting that" These airlines will reduce the suffering of the passengers of tourists, scholars and patients seeking treatment in these countries. " and noted that "the ministry is seeking to overcome the obstacles which stand in front of visas for Iraqis to some of these countries that تتشدد so, including Germany and Britain, "adding that" Iraq has the willingness to open the airline with all countries of the world in the event of an economic feasibility and social through the presence of Iraqis wishing to visit these countries or vice versa. " said Nouri that "The ministry has signed contracts with some companies Global Development Iraqi airports including Baghdad International Airport to be within the specifications of safety and international control, in particular in relation to speed, electronic and ground services to cope with the Airports countries developed world. " The Ministry of Transport (April 25, 2013), about the arrival of the first Iraqi aircraft belonging to the Iraqi Airways to the airport Frankfurt, Germany, after he took off the same morning from Baghdad. noteworthy that Iraq is seeking to develop its fleet of civil aircraft through a contract with a number of foreign companies specialized in the field of aircraft industry after its adoption formerly on hire, where he signed in May 2008 in Baghdad two decades, first with The Boeing Company of America to buy 45 aircraft, and the second with Bompardo Canadian, to buy ten aircraft, as shown and the Ministry of Finance that the total value of the two contracts amounted to five billion dollars. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / killing two officers armed attack and the arrest of perpetrators central Baghdad Alsumaria News / Baghdad A source in the Iraqi police, Wednesday, that Mozqan two government killed an armed attack in central Baghdad, as he emphasized that security force arrested the perpetrators of the attack. source said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The unidentified gunmen traveling in a modern car opened fire at noon today, to government officials two, in Andalus Square, the center of Baghdad, resulting in the deaths in the case." said the source, who asked not to be named, said "the power of the federal police imposed a gasket on accident area, and carried out a raid where it has arrested the perpetrators of the attack, three people. " The source explained that "the force اقتادت detainees to a security centers, as has been transferred the bodies of the dead to the forensic medicine department." election commission determines the middle of next June as the date for the start of updating record voters in Kurdistan Alsumaria News / Baghdad announced the Electoral Commission for elections, on Wednesday, they will begin the process of voter registration update mid next June in the Kurdistan region in preparation for the presidential elections and the Parliament of the region. said the head of the electoral commission Mekdad Sharifi said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "Independent Higher Commission for Elections determined, mid-June, a date for the start of the process of voter registration update in the provinces of Kurdistan region in preparation for a presidential election and the Parliament of the region in the 21 September next year." He Sharifi "The Commission began to develop plans for Administrative and Information according to schedules prepared by her Chambers and author in the region. " It was the Electoral Commission for elections announced, in (April 12, 2013), that it received a request from the Kurdistan region on setting a date for an election Parliament and the presidency of the region, and they put it on the agenda of the Board of Commissioners for consideration in the next few weeks and determine timelines and logistics for holding the elections on schedule, which will be determined by the region in coordination with UNHCR. noted that Chairman and members of the Board of Commissioners and the President of the electoral administration in the Office of the Independent Electoral Serbst Mustafa Rashid welcomed in (April 18, 2013), the decision of the Presidency of the Kurdistan region on setting a date for elections to Parliament and the presidency of the region in 21 September 2013.
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