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Leaders of the political blocs compete to display their laws in Tuesday's session

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Leaders of the political blocs compete to display their laws in Tuesday's session

Baghdad / Iyad al-Tamimi

A source from the Presidency of the Council of Representatives that the leaders of the main blocs in parliament plans to list the laws adopted by the masses. The source added that contacts calls by some leaders for this purpose and that the head of a coalition of state law, Khalid al-Attiyah phoned House Speaker Osama Nujaifi and asked him to convene a meeting of representatives of the blocks and heads of parliamentary committees to discuss and agree on the laws broken. The coalition of state law supports law infrastructure strongly, while supporting the Liberal bloc of the Sadrist movement amnesty law, while counting the Kurdistan Alliance to oil and gas law, after a committee was formed to select the draft of the drafts that are currently in the oil and energy parliamentary.
He added the source, who preferred anonymity for over yesterday that it is hoped that the law is inserted infrastructure in Tuesday's session, noting that Maliki's coalition asked Najafi law should not be included payment on credit with the general amnesty law in the same session. The source noted that the agreement was between the leaders of the Kurdistan Alliance and representatives of the state law to approve oil and gas law for approval of a law infrastructure posed by Prime Minister when hosted in the House of Representatives .. The source explained that the Kurdish side required the approval of oil and gas law and pass the oil contracts concluded by the Kurdistan Regional Government. MPs from various blocks Aatbroo that broken laws passed in this difficult period that the political crisis is still ongoing. Said independent MP in the National Alliance Jawad Albzona "pass laws stalled in the House of Representatives will depend on the success of the meeting of the three presidencies to be held after Eid al-Adha holiday."
He Albzona in a statement to the extent that "the success of that meeting meant to pass all the laws at issue one basket." Conversely ruled out a coalition of state law passed laws broken through this chapter attributing it to a mismatch between the main blocs. The MP said Ibrahim al-Rikabi for a coalition of state law that differences still stand either of important laws, particularly a general amnesty and legal infrastructure, ruling approving a hearing next Tuesday. He Rikabi told the extent that Parliament did not succeed to pass important laws only after meeting the national stressing that in the event of a national meeting will discuss 78 legally notably general amnesty, infrastructure, oil and gas, and the Federal Court, and the law of the Supreme Judicial Council, and the law of informatics, as well as to the Federal Council. As confirmed by the Parliamentary Legal Committee MP block patriots Abdul Rahman Alloizi, that the bills stalled in the House of Representatives, would not acknowledge during this parliamentary session and will leave for the next session, due to political differences. And said Alloizi there knew certain in the House of Representatives includes the control of countless people who are the heads of the blocks on the parliamentary resolution, indicating that the heads of blocs meet with the Presidency of the Council of Representatives of parliamentary decision-making prior to the meetings of the Council. He added that the laws broken in the House of Representatives and the ones that carried over from the previous session, you will not recognize during the current parliamentary session, and will be migrated for the next session because of political objections by explaining: that all large block in the Council has a law you want passed against the law other side of the block other.
The head of the government and Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi agreed to promote cooperation between the executive and legislative branches for the conduct of the various state issues. A statement by the prime minister received a copy of the term "Maliki received Najafi, and discussed with him various political issues and the internal situation in a spirit of cooperation and coordination." He added, "During the meeting agreed to activate cooperation between the executive and legislative branches for the conduct of the various issues and support the efforts of the state government to speed up the process of construction and reconstruction and solve problems that concern the lives of citizens and the work of state institutions."
The legal infrastructure and a general amnesty has been postponed voting on them more than once during the month of October because of political differences between the parliamentary blocs.
And saw the House of Representatives, recently political mobility between the blocs about the adoption set of laws, some of which passed amid objections parliamentary, such as the election of members of the Electoral Commission and the provincial elections No. (36), while the other laws are still disabled within the Council, such as the infrastructure and general amnesty and the Federal Court The parties and the allocation (25%) of oil imports to the people.

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