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Tehran has identified its national interests do you do in Baghdad? On: Wed, 12/08/2011 23:06

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Al Hayat, Saudi Arabia
Thursday, 8/12/2011

TEHRAN - Mohammad Saleh Sedkian
Is the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, which completed the end of this year, at a sensitive stage of the date of the new Iraq, where there is community concern on the future of the Iraqi political process, due to the vacuum left by the withdrawal of these forces, and who will fill this vacuum, the Turks or Iranian or Iraqi government, its organs of modern composition after the collapse of government agencies to the former regime? The man asked me during my recent visit to Baghdad where you live? I said in Iran, he replied, Ah Iranians! Was not surprised by his answer, because I hear a lot of these groans, launched by some deliberate and meaning and meaningful because it has a position in advance of Iran, while fired some sympathy with some of the first, while seen by some third confiscation of resolution independent Iraqi, and underestimated Some see in the fourth Iranian supporter and advocate.
What do you want Iran from Iraq? What Iraqis want from Iran?
Questions at the very transparency and clarity, taking place in our minds all and not far from the reality of political retirement, but the problem is that we as intellectuals and political elites and the Academy did not discuss these questions in a calm atmosphere to get out vision for future of the relationship with Iran, the best interest of the Iraqi people and the future of the political process in Iraq.
Will not differ much if I said that Iran had been monitoring the political situation in Iraq accurately since the triumph of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, circumstances have forced the Iraqi war - on Iran to be one of the most experienced in the details of the Iraqi scene and at all levels, helped the historical relations between the two peoples of Iraq and Iran, and neighborhood conditions, and the implications of the political pressure over the past century, which gave her the ability to interpret events and developments, and deal with it in the form of approaching reality, creating when Iranian officials accumulated experience in dealing with the issue of Iraq, according to the national security interests of Iran.
In the face of this fact, the Iranian experience is accumulated, and the interest of Iran, is a curse on the democratic option in Iraq? Or a blessing is in the interest of Iraq and its future? Is the Iranian option intersects with the option of Iraq, or consistent with, both in the general framework, or in some details?
Questions that embarrass the other, and see where others are national duty should focus on, because risks posed by Iran to Iraq - according to this belief by some - can not be limited and may outweigh those risks caused by or caused by the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
I will discuss the topic with some realism, away from all forms of sectarianism affected political attitudes sometimes, and sometimes the other party, and nationalism on the whole, I will focus in this research on the political side, recalling the balance of religious and ideological, cultural, social and political of the two peoples of Iraq and Iran since the Abbasid Baltlaqah through the intellectual and cultural center of Najaf and Samarra my school with your school and Khorasan during the last century.
There is no doubt that the denial of these facts when studying the relations of the two countries, will lead to confusion in the results be logical and realistic, and that leads to the enticements of a series of crises and wars that do not stop at the end like Saddam Hussein.
There are several constants in Iranian foreign policy and on the basis of these constants are based on relations with this or that country, and most important of these constants, the foreign presence in the region, in addition to the principles advocated by the founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini, in support people's movements, and stand against the dominant powers on the future of the Muslim peoples, and to support the aspirations of these peoples to freedom, democracy and development, to build a great Islamic nation that can serve the movement of society to adhere to science and knowledge.
It is quite natural to draw a map of any country's national security for her, clarifying the limits of this security and interests, in addition to its enemies and friends and a mechanism to deal with this or that in order to achieve the objectives of national security.
If the piece is correct, it is also true, to make Iraq to national security frameworks for dealing systematically with the interests of other countries, especially that Iraq is on the list of countries classified Iranian friendly.
If there are those who believe the existence of stretch in Iraq or Iran in the region, at the expense of the interests of the peoples of this region, this is not the negative aspects of Iran's interests, but it is the repercussions of the defeat of the Arab official who was reeling since the occupation of the former Iraqi regime, the State of Kuwait , and fell with the fall of the Iraqi regime, Iraq has a special definition of the official Arab order.
We can study and discuss the Iranian National Security System, like all the security systems of countries neighboring Iraq and other foreign countries, but it is not our right, and we can not dictate to other countries details of national security, all of Iraq's neighbors has a security system, which deal with Iraq and, of course, Iraq is known in these systems according to the nature of each country look for the new Iraq.
In regard to Iran, they dealt with the new Iraq, as a friendly country, has an ancient civilization, and needs more support and assistance, but not on the basis of the definition of the formal system, which gave the former Arab his task of defending the «Eastern Gate», which lost its wealth and future of Iraq and the finest of his youth, which led to what we are now.
I stood up to the Islamic Republic of Iran by Iraq's new for the first time since the fall of the former regime, and acknowledged the will of the Iraqi people in the writing of the Constitution, and stood with him all the stages and the details of democracy that led to the election of a national government arising from the national parliament elected by the people in a direct form, and supported this government, at the time said she was standing with the option of the Iraqi people without regard to who will be at the head of this government, she said to all the Iraqi factions who met in Baghdad, or who pulled traveled to it in Tehran.
Those who think that Iran is dealing with sectarian or nationalist Iraqi political scene, because these workers do not fall in the system of national security of Iran, Iran is dealt - to name a few - with Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite, while Hamas has dealt with Sunni, and it allies, the Free National Movement Lebanese Christian, and have excellent relations with the Iraqi Kurdish movements, and will not reveal the secret if I said that Iran has relations with most of currents of Arab political and religious nationalism, based on its system of national security above, are excluded case of sectarianism and nationalism.
The Iranian leadership has all the potential in front of Iraqi politicians who had heard during their meetings private and public, but the more difficult task is the responsibility of these politicians in the mechanism to take advantage of this potential, some merely personal claims, and the other is called a partial achievements, I think, others that Tehran could serve him in difficulties.
The Iraqi national security system, you can paint the common features of the relations not only with Iran, but with all neighboring countries, as well as foreign countries.
I do not want to throw the ball on the pitch and I commend the Iraqi other countries, but I want to emphasize the necessity to take the initiative to Iraq by a factor draws its relations with other countries based on mutual interest and mutual respect, especially with the friendly countries, including Iran.
Fodouh Iraqi vision about all the hot issues and internal and external cooperation for the future of the Iraqi regional, and explain this vision to neighboring countries and the international community to affect significantly strengthen the bonds of relationship and cooperation with regional and international environment.

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