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Calls for price consolidation in all markets

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Calls for price consolidation in all markets

05/9/2018 12:00 am
Baghdad / Mustafa Al Hashemi

Coordination between the sectoral bodies and their adoption of a package of legislative and executive measures plays a big role in stabilizing prices in the Iraqi markets.

This requires adopting a unified pricing policy that prevents the rise in commodity prices from their real value, because the stability of prices in any country of the world is achieved through a package of economic measures In all commercial outlets such as ports, airports and other border crossings.

Price policy

Price policy is defined as the set of measures by which prices are influenced, so this policy is one of the most important decisions taken by governments to achieve public stability.

"The coordination between the sectoral bodies such as the Central Bank, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance and its departments with the Center for Market Research and Consumer Protection plays an important role in setting the specific prices on different goods so that citizens can buy them from all regions and markets at the same price."

Economic heritage

According to observers, the reasons for the phenomenon of rising prices in Iraq without reference to normal rates are due to the economic culture inherited from the nineties of the last century and the subsequent negative repercussions and exploitation of the difficult situation of the family economy at the time; since that period and Iraq is witnessing a rise in prices for various materials, And even real estate, and does not return after the rise to normal rates that were before a crisis in gas, for example, or the scarcity of a crop.

Al-Shammari pointed to the existence of different consumer goods, such as mobile phones, computers and other personal or office equipment sold at different prices throughout Iraq, although they are from origin or state Itself".

Tax evasion

She explained that "the commitment of traders to tax or evasion of a significant role in determining the price of such devices and other materials such as clothing and all imported goods," asserting

"the importance of activating the law to protect the national product and consumer protection, especially in this period to miss the opportunity for the weak souls and control of these matters affecting In the economic situation of the consumer, especially if this rise is not considered so as not to affect the overall stability in the country.

For her part, economic researcher Aya Adel stressed "the need to adopt the best ways to establish the future public stability by educating and educating both the public and the merchants and encouraging them to cooperate in everything that would stabilize the prices."

She pointed out that the rise should not be at the expense of the family economy, Pressure mounting expenses especially in this period."

consumer protection

On the other hand, the Market Research and Consumer Protection Center participated in a workshop entitled "Consumer Protection of Counterfeit Goods and Products", which was organized by the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control in cooperation with Bahri Harr.

The Director of the Center d. Yahya Kamal Khalil, a working paper on how to support the national product, and the importer with a strong mark and find solutions to the problems of government institutions in the field of consumer protection.

The workshop, which was held in the presence of the Director of the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control, Saad Abdel Wahab, Director General of Economic Crime, Ministry of Interior and representatives of the National Security, Customs and Drug Control Authority, Ministry of Industry and Minerals and Unilever Brand Manager Fouad Zia Mubarak,

Recommendations of the most important; Continuous and constructive cooperation with the Center for Market Research and Consumer Protection to possess scientific expertise on consumer protection, and benefit from specialized research in this field of counterfeit and counterfeit goods and to develop plans to combat this phenomenon.

And the formation of a crisis cell committee to move away from red tape and bureaucracy in the procedures by signing memorandums of understanding with the relevant ministries and institutions.

And that each ministry has its own law (Trademarks Law and Commercial Data No. 21 of 1957 (Public Health Act No. 89 of 1981 and Food Regulation No. 4 of 2011) (Consumer Protection Law No. 1 of 2010 Article 10/1), in addition to the Central Agency for Standardization Quality control and the penal code; and because all these laws operate individually and within their sphere of work and competencies to protect the trademark and consumer and the rights of the companies owning the mark, they need to be harmonized Ministries.

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