BAGHDAD / long-Presse
[ltr]Raise the head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, on Monday, the parliament session until next week.
The meeting, which was attended by 180 deputies and chaired its Saleem al-Jubouri, saw the completion of the election of the presidencies of the Standing Committees of Finance and the most prominent of which went to the deputy Ahmad Chalabi. While the Committee of Martyrs and Political Prisoners elected MP Aqeel Abdul-Hussein as its chairman, and the thunder of diamonds as his deputy.
The source said in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "the Committee of Martyrs and parliamentary politicians elected MP Aqeel Abdul-Hussein as its chairman, and MP Raad diamond as his deputy." According to the same source, "the Committee elected MP Mohammed Allkash scheduled." In the same context, a parliamentary source said that "the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary elected, yesterday, in the presence of 15 members of the Kurdistan Alliance MP Abdullah Iariz president, as MP for the state of law Qubool elected as his deputy." As MP Adel Khamis was elected Rapporteur.
The House of Representatives began its host oil minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi to discuss the oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil, and the reasons for "low", Iraqi oil production.
This is the second time within one month, in which Abdul-Mahdi, to attend the House of Representatives to provide clarification on the policy of his ministry.
This hosting comes a few days after the announcement of the oil minister for his conception of the "first deal" with the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government to transform the federal government $ 500 million for the region compared to the region that the government put 150 thousand barrels of crude oil per day at the disposal of the federal government.
Parliamentary session also saw the performance of MP Hadi al-Amiri was sworn in after 4 months in advance of the first session.
According to a parliamentary source familiar with the House of Representatives, on Monday, the head of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Ameri was sworn in as deputy in the parliament.
The source said in an interview with the (long-Presse), "The head of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri led, on Monday, was sworn in as deputy in the Iraqi parliament," noting that "al-Amiri is not a substitute for any deputy, but did not sworn since Parliament held the first meetings."
The Ameri among the leading candidates for the post of Interior Minister in the government of Haider al-Abadi, however, that some of the political blocs and the United States refused to taking office, forced the government to reach a compromise that requires the receipt of a leader of the Badr Organization, Mohammed Salem Ghaban for the post.
The presidency of the parliament postponed the second reading of the draft legal ratification investment promotion and protection between the Government of Iraq and the Kingdom of Jordan and the draft Convention on the ratification of an agreement between Iraq and Kuwait to encourage mutual protection ".
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